Vote for Referendums

The referendum system is in place on EOS mainnet for token holders to voice their opinions. Anyone with an EOS account can create a proposal, and if it meets the thresholds, it will be passed and executed. The three thresholds are;

  1. A minimum of 15% of all tokens that have been issued must vote on the proposal

  2. At least 55% of all votes must be cast for Yes

  3. Sustain both of the above thresholds for 30 consecutive day

As a token holder, you are entitled to state your opinion and vote on proposals and 1 token will equal 1 vote. You are allowed to vote for as many proposals as you'd like, and you are also able to leave a comment with your vote.

EOS Canada has an excellent FAQ for everything related to the EOS Referendum Contract here.


1. Select Vote on the top menu.

2. Select Referendums.

The Referendums page displays 4 tabs;

  • Search Proposals (#) - Displays all current proposals and how many there currently are. You can search for a proposal by the Proposal ID, Proposal Title, or the Proposer.

  • Create Proposal - You are able to create a proposal under this tab. You need to propose a name, title, content, type and how many days until expiry (minimum is 120 days for referendums).

  • My Proposals - Displays all the proposals you've made under your account.

  • My Votes - Displays all the proposals you have voted for.

If you'd like to view previous proposals that are expired, check off the box "Click to show expired proposals."

3. Select a proposal that you'd like to vote for. It will take you to a detailed page about the proposal.

The page will show you the proposal ID, proposer, the creation date, expiry date. It also visualizes the total votes with a breakdown of the accounts the votes came from.

Your options to vote for the proposal are;

  • Abstain

  • Decline

  • Approve

4. You will receive a prompt from Scatter to whitelist your action. Click Allow.

Once the above action is whitelisted, you will receive a message with the status of your vote and a link for the transaction.

Last updated