
EOS's DPOS consensus mechanism allows free, quick and easy transfers between accounts. Bloks' wallet functions allow users to transfer tokens in 3 easy steps.


1. Select Wallet on the top menu.

2. Transfer Token page should be the initial page under Wallet. (If for whatever reason it is not, select Transfer Tokens from the left side menu.)

The Transfer Token page has 3 fields for you to fill in;

  • Send To - Username to receive tokens.

  • Amount - Amount of tokens to send to the receiver. Clicking on the blue button on the right will display a drop down list of all the tokens you own on the account.

    • Selecting Use custom token will allow you to manually enter the Symbol of token (e.g. EOS) and Contract of token (e.g. eosio.token)

    • You can select Send entire balance to autofill the amount.

  • Memo (optional) - You can send a memo with your transfer.

3. Click on the "Transfer AMOUNT to USERNAME" blue button to complete transfer.

Last updated